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{post no.6} more time machine and more 16 May 2009

With 3 weeks to the Time Machine deadline, this is a midway piece that I created for our Open Studio. I am exploring themes of duality and time, within the book, by allowing the text to be read in different ways: behind itself, backwards, in a mirror etc. It explodes the book and allows the reader to be immersed into the book, walk through it and be within the text. Just an explanatory piece, I am pursuing these ideas further with more research and exploration.

Other than my current university brief, I am creating my portfolio, my cv/pdf, and improving my website. All this will hopefully help me get some great internships next year. So if you have any advice or comments about my site, give me a shout.

Also, I have just picked up some branding work. I've been asked to create a logo and campaign for a new product. Can't give out details yet, but watch this space!

Until next time, Rich.

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