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{post no.26} quick one 8 July 2009

Hi this is my first post in a while... been in Berlin. I'll post some nice shots a bit later on.

Gormley's plinth is up and running, and although I haven't had a chance to see in person yet, I like what he's doing. It's a bold idea and potentially troublesome, but I guess that's the idea, whatever the people want to say/do on the plinth, is up to them and not Gormley. I'll post any interesting people I come across.

I absolutely love this book covers. These are 3 of 6 of Steve Hares designs for the recent Penguin non-fiction classics. Each has an image from the Magnum archives. It's such a nice, refreshing idea to leave the cover simple and striking with one big image (the circle on the front is a sticker which can be peeled off). Also the barcode/title etc. being on the spine, with individually typography for the blurb; now that's classic.

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