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{post no.32} random finds 27 July 2009

From the design practice of James West, Create/Reject, comes this fun piece of work. I'm not sure how new this is, but I came across while I was browsing through some websites over the weekend. He sits in secret location viewing who is standing by the installed led screen and writes messages relating personally to whoever is there. Some of the reactions seen above, show the confusion and surprise of the viewers. I really like this piece of work, it communicates and interacts directly with the viewer and is no longer a flat piece that people just look at. They become part of the work. Check out his other work, some really nice stuff in there.

This site I found this weekend has gone straight in my bookmarks. Who said anything need to be complicated. Need an odd symbol that you can't find on your keyboard? Click the symbol (or multiple) and it'll copy them straight to your clipboard to use in whatever program you want it! I can't help thinking if only this was a dashboard widget... Take a butchers.

Until next time!

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