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fallen leaves 28 October 2009

Sorry I have not been particularly active on my blog! I have been extremely busy with all sorts of things. I will try to update this more to let you know of everything that is going on in my life. In the mean time, this is book I own which was inspired by the current season.

This book which I've had on my shelf for a while but never really paid much attention to is Ken Garland's 'A Close Look At Fallen Leaves'. It's a simple book which a simple story. All the leaves shown in the book Ken collected on a street in Northwest London in a hour one Autumn morning. The leaves are photographed and displayed actual size. He found the leaves fascinating, and wanted to show them as a collection of beautiful objects. There's not much more to it than that, but this simple idea acknowledges what is usually a depressing time of year as something more than just that.

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